The Scoop on Kenya AA

The Scoop on Kenya AA

Despite the fact that coffee beans were first discovered in the neighboring Ethiopia many centuries ago, coffee production in Kenya only began at the turn of the 20th century. Since then Kenya has gone on to be the 21st largest producer of coffee in the world. The industry produces in excess of 51 million kilograms of coffee each year and employs over 6 million people.

The majority of Kenyan coffee is grown in the elevated areas between Mount Kenya in the north and the city of Nairobi in the southwest. The fertile volcanic soil in this region is ideal for growing coffee trees. In addition, the high altitude of 1,700 meters, the warm climate, and a perfect amount of rainfall are factors that contribute to the ideal growing conditions.

Kenyan coffee is wet processed. This differs considerably from the dry process used in Ethiopia. With dry processing, the coffee fruit is left to dry in the sun. Once dried the skin is removed and the coffee is processed. In the case of wet processing, the fruit is removed prior to drying. The two processes have a huge effect on the overall taste of the coffee.

Kenya AA is not a specific type of coffee or an indicator of growing region. Instead, it is the top tier of the Kenyan coffee grading system. Beans are graded when they are still green and there are a total of eight possible grades available. AA beans are the best available and each bean needs to match the requirements of the grade.

Flavor profile
The rigorous grading system employed by Kenyan coffee producers means that pretty much all Kenya AA coffee will have similar flavor characteristics. Kenya AA beans are regarded for their light body, bright mouthfeel, and intense floral taste. Along with the floral notes expect to taste hints of tropical fruit, berries, and wine. While the coffee can have a rich flavor, it is almost always tempered by a bright and refreshing acidity.

Finally, Kenya AA is known for its piquant and sweet aftertaste.

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