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Ctrl Alt Delete - Colombian Swiss Water Decaf

Ctrl Alt Delete - Colombian Swiss Water Decaf

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Ctrl Alt Delete is your classic dark roast Colombian arabica coffee now available decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process to safely remove the caffeine without re-using old chemically impure water.
Swiss Water® is the innovative craft of using pure water to gently remove caffeine. Their 100% chemical-free process decaffeinates coffee in small batches. This means it removes caffeine without damaging its inherit quality of the coffee.
Note: Decaf coffees still have 5mg - 10mg of caffeine per cup but are considered 'caffeine free' per industry standards. While this is insignificant to anybody who drinks coffee tea or eats chocolate those with severe caffeine sensitivity should consult a doctor.
Growing Altitude: 1200-2000 meters above sea level
Harvest: September – December
Process: Washed, Sun Dried
Aroma: Soft
Flavour: Sweet/Caramel Tart Fruity
Body: Dark Roast
Acidity: Bright

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